Mt Kenya

/Mt Kenya

4 Days Mt Kenya Climbing – Sirimon Route

Tour Overview The Sirimon Route is an accessible and enjoyable hiking route on Mount Kenya and well within the capabilities of fit hill walkers. Much more scenic than Naromoru and it is on the drier side of the mountain which offers some of the finest walking. Climb up through forest into a wide ridge approach to [...]

5 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Sirimon-Chogoria Route

Tour Overview This is the most common traverse on Mt. Kenya. Unless preferred, camping is not necessary as accommodation is available in mountain huts throughout the trip. Although the trip offers reasonably good chances of reaching the summit, those who may not manage the challenge can cross over via the easier summit circuit trail and join [...]

6 Days Mt Kenya Climbing: Sirimon – Naromoru Route

Tour Overview Creative climb joins two of the most scenic routes up Mount Kenya, Sirimon and Chogoria, producing a remarkably diverse and spectacular trek. Sirimon coming off the west of Mount Kenya passes through the dry side of the mountain with its giant trees and rocky terrain, and the descent onto the Chogoria path is exactly [...]

6 Days Mt kenya Climbing: Sirimon – Naromoru

Tour Overview It is the steepest and the fastest way up Mt Kenya and ascends the mountain from the west. The route is not particularly scenic but has some of the best tourist accommodations. Most climbers begin at the park gate, although it is possible to drive a vehicle as far as the Met station (3050 [...]